Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not Another Halkum Hater!

I've been getting bugged about updating this thing, plus everyone else is doing it, plus I actually have something to talk about, so I'm updating the blog.

And yes, it's about the recent movement to unite all e-feds, and yes I also think it's a bad idea.

Call me elitist or whatever, but I'm not about to spend my time reading, and God forbid, participating in a conversation involving a group of prepubescent preteens calling each other douchenozzles and fucktards for the silliest reasons imaginable.

I'm not a babysitter.

There are a ton of handlers out there that just don't know how to act. FWC seems to have weeded damn near all of them out.

You can't unite all feds because a good portion of them are virus-laden plagues to humanity, let alone e-fedding; plain and simple.

That being said (who watches Curb Your Enthusiasm ;) ) I think what TEAM did for a couple years there was great and disagree that interfed tournaments are a waste if done correctly with select groups of handlers.

Tom did a great job with TEAM and it flourished for all but the last six months or so that he was fedhead. It slowed because Tom was tired of it, not because of people complaining.

A lot of people enjoyed it and a few got pissed. Frankly those people that got pissed were quickly forgotten. A lot of people respected Tom, which is why I think it worked, and he was good at handling the few whiners.

Sure, it was unfortunate that there were issues at times, but the good moments far outweighed the bad with TEAM.

I haven't even paid any attention to the J-date tournament or whatever the hell they call it over there. The only reason I even heard of it was because I like Billy and Dave and I read their blogs.

With EPW, NFW, A1E, WFW:NE, formerly TEAM and now NLW we have plenty of shit to choose from to waste our time in FWC and A1E alone. Hell, I'll go to PRIME, REBEL or NAPW before taking the chance of scoping out some fed I've never heard of that has a fedhead I've never chatted with.

The point is we have a hell of a lot of options.

I look at the Classifieds threads or anything resembling information from people I've never heard of as much as I look through my spam folder in my e-mail, which is never.


Lindz said...

LOL, J-date tournament. Nice, Kev.

Paul Miller said...

My tolerance for dealing with stuff as an RPer just isn't what it used to be so I mainly stick to FWC. As a fed head though, if RPers want to come here and give FWC a shot though, my leagues have probably been the one for most new guys over the years than any either because I try to help them out to get where they need to go because the average RPer age is getting older and we need to do our best to get younger people involved so there is a next generation.